Saturday, August 31, 2024

mystery of name and form

 Jai Sri Ram,

The two letters forming part of the name of Rama crown of all letters, one spreading like an umbrella and the other as a crest jewel, the name and object name, though significance, are allied as master and servant one to other,

The Lord appears in person at the very mention of his name, name and form are two attributes of God, both of them are ineffable and beginningless and can be rightly understood only be means of good intelligence, 

It is presumptuous on one's part to declare as to which is superior or inferior, hearing the distinctive merit of both, pious soul will judge for themselves, forms are found to be subordinate of name, without the name you cannot come to the knowledge of a form

Typical forms cannot be identified even if they be in hand, without knowing their name, and if the name is remembered even without seeing the form, the letters flashes on the mind with a special liking for it, mystery of name and form is a tale which cannot be told, though delight to comprehend, it cannot be described in words

Jai Siya Ram