Sunday, September 1, 2024

strivers that hankering after worldly achievements

 Jai Sri Ram,

Between the Unqualified Absolute and Qualified divinity, the name is a good intermediary, it is clever interpreter revealing the truth of Both,

Instal the luminous gem in the shape of the divine name Rama, on the threshold of the tongue at the doorway of your mouth, if you will have light both inside and outside,

Yogis and mystics who are full of dispassion and wholly detached from mundane that created by the God through his Maya, keeps awake in the daylight of wisdom, by muttering the Name with their inner truth including tongue and enjoy the felicity of Brahma that absolute, which is incomparable, unspeakable, unmixed with sorrow and devoid of name and form, 

Even those who, the seeker of truth,  aspire to know the mysterious ways of providence are able to comprehend them by muttering the name, strivers that hankering after worldly achievements, repeat the name,,,,absorbed in contemplation, and become accomplished, acquiring super human powers,,,,,, if devotees mutter the name, their worst calamities of the gravest type disappears and they become Happy, 

Jai Siya Ram