Tuesday, September 3, 2024

easily attainable through the Name

 Jai Sri Ram,

In this world there are four kinds of devotees of Sri Rama, all of them are virtuous, sinless and noble, all the four are clever as they are, rely upon the NAME, of these the enlightened devotees is specially dear to Rama, glory of name is supreme in all the four Yugas, and all the four Vedas, particularly in Kali age, there is no other mean of salvation, 

Even those who are free from all desires and absorbed in the joy of devotion to Rama, have known their heart as fish into the nectarine lake of supreme affection for the name,

There are two aspects of God, one is unqualified and other is qualified, both are unspeakable, unfathomable, without beginning and without parallel, TO MY MIND GREATER THAN BOTH IS THE NAME, that has established its rule over both by its might,

The two aspects of God should be recognized as akin to fire, the one that represent the fire which is latent in wood, while other that qualified divinity corresponds to that which is externally visible, though both are inaccessible by themselves, they are easily attainable through the Name, therefore I have called the Name is greater than Brahma and Sri Rama both, 

Jai Siya Ram