Friday, September 6, 2024

Name is thus greater than Brahma and Rama both

 Jai Sri Ram,

As is well known to all that Sri Rama extended his protection to two devotees, Sugreeva and Vibhishan, his name on the other hand has showered its grace on numerous humble souls, 

This superb glory of the name shines forth in the world as well as in the Vedas, Rama collected an army of monkeys and bears and took no little pain over construction of a bridge to connect mainland with Island, through repetition of his name, the ocean of mundane existence itself gets dried up, 

Let the wise bear this in mind, Rama killed Ravana in battle with all his family and returned to his own city with Sita, then crowned king of Ayodhya, while gods and sages sung his glories in choicest phrases, his servants are however, able to conquer the formidable army of errors by fondly remembering His name, absorbed in devotion, move about in joy which is particularly their own, by the grace of Name they knew not sorrow even in dream, 

The Name is thus greater than Brahma and Rama both and confer blessings even on the bestowers of boons, knowing this in heart, the great Shiva chose this word Rama for himself out of sri Ram's story comprising of 100 crore verses,

Jai Siya Ram