Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sita and Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

I reverence the feet of Sita and Rama, who though state to be different are yet identical just like a word and its meaning or like water and the waves on its surface, and to whom the afflicted are most dear,

I greet the Name Rama, which is composed of seed letters, representing fire god, the sun god, the moon god, is the same Brahma Vishnu and Shiva, the vital breath of Vedas, attributeless, peerless and mine of virtues, 

Shiva mutter this name and which, when imparted by him at Kashi to departed soul, leads to emancipation, Its glory is well known in spheres of all regions, The saint poet Valmiki acquainted with the glory of the name, inasmuch as he attained to purity by repeating it even in reverse order, 

Shiva chant this name before dine which equates the thousand Names, and relate this mystic reality to goddess Gauri, Shiva knows the power of muttering the name, due to which deadly poison served the purpose of nectar to him, 

Jai Siya Ram,