Tuesday, August 27, 2024

obeisance in the lotus feet of Devi Sita

 Jai Sri Ram,

I make obeisance to king Janaka,, along with his family, who bore hidden affection for the lous feet of Rama, I bow the Bharata, whose self discipline and religious austerity beggar description, whose mind thirst for the lotus feet of Rama like a bee, I revere the lotus feet of Laxman, charming that delight to devotees, serve the Rama, is no other than thousand head Sesa Naag,

I supplicate Hanuman, the great hero, whose glory has been exalted by Rama himself, I greet Hanuman, the son of wind god, an embodiment of wisdom, who is fire as it were for the wicked, and in the abode of whose heart reside Rama, 

I revere the charming feet of all those who have serve the lotus feet of Rama, including Sugreeva and Vibhishan, Angada and Jambavan and much more, 

I make obeisance in the lotus feet of Devi Sita, daughter of king Janaka, mother of the universe, and the most beloved consort of Rama, the fountain of mercy, and seek to propitiate the pair of her lotus feet, so that by her grace, I may be blessed with refined intellect

Jai Siya Rama,