Monday, August 12, 2024

good and the vile all have been brought into beings by the creator,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Of course, a good man has a bias for goodness alone, while a vile person is prone to vileness, while nectar is praised for its immortalizing virtue, poison is extolled for its deadly effects, The tales of sin and vices on one the one hand and of the virtues of the virtuous, on other, are like boundless and unfathomable oceans

That is why I have enumerated only a few virtues and vices, for they cannot be acquired or discarded without being duly distinguished, the good and the vile all have been brought into beings by the creator, It is Vedas that have differentiated them by reckoning the merits of the former and demerits of the other,

The Vedas and other ancient scriptures have unanimously declared the creation of Brahma is an intermixture of good and evil, charecterised the pair of opposites, such as pain and pleasure, sin and virtue, day and night, good and the wicked, good birth and the vile birth, demons and gods, high and the low, nectar and the poison, happy life and the death, Maya and Brahma, pauper and the king, matter and spirit, Sacred Kashi and indifferent Magadha that in north Bihar, a cursed land, Holy Ganga and unholy Karmanasa, Rich soil of Brahman Varn and other, Braman that gods on earth and barbarians and much more, heaven and hell, attachments and dispassion,

God has created the universe consisting of animate and inanimate beings as partaking of both good and evil, Swans in the form of a saints imbibe the the milk of goodness rejecting the water in the form of evil, 

Jai Siya Ram