Saturday, May 18, 2024

experienced the Same childish sports and same beauty

 Jai Sri Ram,

Each universe had its own Brahma, its own Vishnu and Shiva, Manu that cause for creation presiding over single Manvantara, consisting of little less than 74 rounds of for Yugas, regents of quarters, human beings, celestials, species and Goblins, Giants and other much more,

All creatures have shape that peculiar that that universe, The Earth with its beauty of river and mountains, oceans and lakes have distinguish character,

In these universes I found myself possessed of manifold incomparable forms, Each universe has its own Ayodhya with its own Sarayu, and its own men and women, Dear Garuda, Rama's parents as well as brothers were all different in each universe,

In each such universe I witnessed the descent of Rama with his infinite variety of childish sports, everything I saw had have distinctive reality of its own universe and was beauty beyond words, I visited each successive world and experienced the Same childish sports and same beauty, same gracious Rama, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please