Wednesday, May 15, 2024

all her sixteen days

 Jai Sri Ram,

Tell me, what would be the difference between God and Jiva that Individual spirit, the latter, which identified itself with a particular psycho physical organism, is subject to Maya, while Maya itself, the source of three Gunas, is controlled by God, 

The Jiva is dependent, subject to Maya, while God is self dependent, the Jivas are many, while the beloved of Laxmi is one,without second, 

Even though this difference, which has been created by Maya, is false, it cannot disappear except by Sri Hari's grace,

The Man who seek to attain the state of eternal bliss without adoring Rama is a beast, however wise he may be, even though the moon rose complete in all her sixteen days with it's entire starry host, and even mountains were set on fire, night would not yield except to the sun,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please