Sunday, May 12, 2024

Continued Bhusandi

 Jai Sri Ram,

Continued Bhusandi, Listen, O chief of birds, the story of Rama is the delight of his servants, the King's Palace at Ayodhya was beautiful in everyway, It was all gold studded with precious stones of various kinds,

The courtyard, where the fur brothers played was magnificent beyond description, Rama flickered about in this Yard, his tender frame was dark of hue with a greenish tinge resembling that of emerald,  every limb of it had loveliness of countless cupids compressed into it,

His Feet were soft and ruddy like a young lotus, with bright toes and nails that outshone the brilliance of Moon, they had stole bearings the fourfold lovely marks of the thunderbolt, the elephant goad, the flag, and the Lotus,

Adorned with beautiful anklets that sweetly jingled, the charming zone about his waist, which was beautiful embossed with jewels produced a pleasant tinkling sound,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please