Thursday, July 4, 2024

sage was amazed at my extraordinary tolerance and unique faith

 Jai Sri Ram,

I was immediately transformed into a crow, bowed my head at the sage's feet again and again, fixing my thoughts on Rama, joyfully took flight,

Shiva said to Uma, they who are devoted to Sri Rama's feet and are free from lust, greed, and anger look upon the whole world as full of their lord, against whom can they harbour animosity,

Kakabhushundi said to Garuda, listen O Lord of winged creature, the sage was in no way at fault, It is Rama who prompts all hearts, all merciful put my devotion to test by clouding the sage's reason, when he came to know that I was devoted in thought, word and deed, The Lord disabused the saint again, 

The sage was amazed at my extraordinary tolerance and unique faith in Rama, repenting again and again politely called me back, consoled me in everyway and then gladly imparted to me the formula sacred to Rama, The gracious sage taught me how to meditate on Rama as a child,  The form which I was thus taught to fix my thought upon, charming as delightful as it was, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please