Friday, July 5, 2024

eight miles,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Sage detained me in his hermitage for sometime, then recited Ramacaritamanasa, the Manas Lake of Sri Rama's exploits, having reverently related the story then address me the following gracious words,

I discovered this secret and charming lake of Sri Rama's exploit, dear son, by the grace of Lord Sambhu, I have come to that you are beloved devotee of Sri Rama, hence I repeat it to you in full, NEVER REVEAL IT IN PRESENCE OF THOSE HEART IS VOID OF DEVOTION TO SRI RAMA,

The sage admonished me in various ways and I lovingly bowed my head at his feet, the great sage touched my head with is lotus palm and gladly gave me his blessing, henceforth, by my grace, devotion to Sri Rama shall ever abide in your heart and know no interruption, 

You shall ever be a favorite with Rama and a storehouse of good qualities, free from pride, changing your form at will, and choosing your own time for death, and a repository of wisdom and dispassion, in whatever hermitage you live with thought fixed at Rama, ignorance will have no access within a radius of eight miles, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please