Saturday, July 6, 2024

the glory of devotion to Sri Rama is a superb indeed,

 Jai Sri Ram,

No suffering occasioned by time, fate, merit, demerit, or disposition shall ever tormont you, the manifold charming mysteries of Rama, that are found mentioned in the chronicles and Puranas either explicitly or implicity, you will come to know without any difficulty, and the flame of your devotion to Sri Rama's feet will glow ever brighter and brighter,

Whatever longing you may entertain in your mind, you shall have no difficulty in attaining it by the grace of Sri Hari, On hearing the sage's benediction, mark me, O Garuda of steadfast reason, a deep voice, which was evidently the voice of supreme spirit, was heard from the heavens, May your Prophesy come to be true, O enlightened Sage, He is my votary in thought, word and deed, I rejoiced to hear heavenly voice and stood overwhelmed with love and rid of all my doubts, 

On receiving Sage's permission in response to my prayer I repeatedly bowed my head at his lotus feet, and gladly came away to this hermitage, having obtained by the Lord's grace a rare boon, I have now lived in this hermitage, for seven and twenty rounds of creation, I am ever engaged in hymning the praise of Sri Rama, while enlightened birds reverently listen to them, each time the Rama assumes a form of a man in the city of Ayodhya for the sake of devotees, I go and stay at the capital of Sri Rama and enjoy the spectacles of his childish sports, 

Again enshrining an image of the child Rama in my heart I return to my hermitage, I have now told you all the circumstances that invested me with the form of a Crow, and have also replied to all your queries, the glory of devotion to Sri Rama is a superb indeed,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please