Friday, May 25, 2007

devotional touch

glory of lord rama reflects the divine light on the devotional chapter of human that his humble submission could get him so what he basically wish to have so on the chapter of life none other than devotional spirit.on his submission must realize the position of self & the god on the mode of illusion.

adoring self on to god,who in fact guardian of all materialistic or non materialistic-all the ends who so ever may be south -north-east-west ,all belongs to him- shining in the pace of his glory in the form of planet & the light their on to it-all pervading consciousness on the planet is the subject of that the god for his being kind & humble on to it.

the creation what so ever is on the planet or on the sky, else where, is his sole passion for love to have so & has been obliged on to soul as his own fraction to part it with the beauty of planet & the life. to join the pace this glory, truth of our heart & humble mode of submission is the subject on to it.our devotions could pave the way to have the core subject to for life & their after with cool mode.

mahesh sharma

Thursday, May 24, 2007

miseries in life

glory of lord Rama reflects the kind of agonies life faces on to this planet in the form of miseries, in broad classification it comes to about three as main on to life. which not pains a lot but but make the life more than hell to have so.

1. it developed with in itself but not directly related to body but of vibrant nature inflict on to life badly though the inner feature of basic elements -anger---greed----infatuation----recurring doubt----infidelity etc.the born in the state of mind & impact hard on to the life via heart & burns the heart with out flames.

2. miseries advance through the nature direct on to life but of non vibrant nature, such as earth quack----excessive rains----floods----raw mode of fire----storms----drought----farce major & beside it their unpredicted nature pains alot to life which so ever spice come across.

3. miseries caused by the physical existence of fellow human or other spices of life on to the chapter under the head of civic sense & social sphere,invasion of privacy -self respect & dignity, undue lust on to the subject of money & sensual-undue lust on resources to have so, even not for any mean on to life but a lust & encounter to feel so.

it is a very sad phase of life to interact the way this but too a bare fact on to it as goes all over & every where in different forms & different modes. this is the own made creation of life ,of sure not immediate but the repercussion of past on to life now.

but human life have all calibre to interact & correct it the they wish but with faith & care of acts now being made.better be on the safe than on the lust on the chapter of life,play defencive with all care,mind its human life for a cause more than that of celebration.

mahesh sharma

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

glory of lord rama reflects very clearly that no one is the source for others on the subject of delight--pain--agony--

supreme state in life on for-

glory of lord rama reflects on to life that to explore the stage of final on the chapter of supreme state of life on to soul- beatitude or is derived in life,whar factors as main acts on to it here it realy difficult to attain or a casual mode of life.

path of wisdom is not all that easy & the supreme state of final beatitude is most difficult to attain but as per the version of saints be on the path of fair life with mild devotion on the track of truthness will lead the life to glory beyond salvation with all ease.though salvation will not be our motto but it will follow us with due respect.

joy of final beatitude can not stay apart from devotion & its true spirit,as if we eat the food for our own gratification but fire inside abdomen digests the food so eaten with out any external effort on our part so is the case with devotion & salvation,our conscious invite devotional chapter but salvation on to that come of its own.

better be late than never as devotion time may matters to it, this could be the time which may be fraction of second on scale or time with whole life.

mahesh sharma

Monday, May 21, 2007

his soul & his heart

glory of lord Rama reflects in clear words that devotees are supreme for lord Rama irrespective of their mode on to life-devotees are so dear to lord Rama-he is gratified through service rendered to his devotees & bear great enmity to those who are hostile to them.

through the lord Rama is alike to all with out either love or anger & receives neither sin nor virtue, neither merits nor demerits,has made fate the ruling factor in the world-so one reaps, so the one sows,,,yet according as one poss age the heart of devotee or unbeliever he appears to be impartial or hostile in his dealings but he loves most out of track of ruling illusion on the version of god-his love to his devotees is purely immortal.

he ever respected the wishes of his devotees all the way-he runs lot more to reach at them with all grace & he is the one so called lord Rama-one & only one.

so is his devotees,they actively engaged in doing good to others-share the sorrow of others -share the agonies of others-share the pains of others & compassionate by nature.

lord Rama is lord Rama-his devotees are his soul & their devotions are his heart.

mahesh sharma

kind & more than that to life

glory of lord Rama reflects on to the mode of creator of god,the feature of god & the acts of god.though he is invisible on the chapter of life-though he is not a subject matter of materialistic world, how he attain the submission of devotees, the place where he could be interacted in life & on to life. about his fair virtues on to life though equated to all spices but a more privilege to human.

it speakes on to life that rest assure, only those got the nectar of where about of the god,to whom he exactly wish to be body else can have this privilege other than is his sole mercy on the subject of life specially a human spice.

god is god,though not a subject matter to body as if but could appear in the form or in body which ever he feels the way that.that's why their counts on to the numerus reincarnation of his different modes on to life in different eras, as he appears on to life -got recognised by the saints & seers with all ease by his acts on to life being so powerful but kind all the way,so giant on the subject but humble to interact in life, so is the glory of lord Rama.

place to interact with him with all ease is non other than the heart- a place to make love-a place to decorate with love & passion-a place which reflects the truth of acts in life- a place which guides on to the feature of soul subjected to illusion & its version on to life.fair life must possess a fair heart,or fair heart must-must bend on to a fair life.

of sure god is far apart from the chapter of suffering of getting born or depart but he know all well much better than those who inflicted on to it in life.he remains here with all along with all but a bit near to those love him & at a distance to those love the illusion.but remains well in touch with all & accept the version of heart from life with a glad pace. blessings of god is always trace the life to cover them as shelter that's why they survive even in most tough mode of illusion.that's why he is so called kindest of kind.

in life those who wish to see him through eyes with true mode have experienced this giant feeling-those wish to have him the way to the tune of life have got with the path of truth.of sure its tough to reach at but peoples have made it & got him the way they wish.only because of the bare fact that cares the life, he is kind all the way-better be close to him to avoid undue friction of life, is the best -one can have in the life,so is glory of lord Rama.

mahesh sharma