Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nectar of wisdom

Nectar of wisdom on the subject of life in the light of truth as per the version of saint is very simple that no one is source of delight and or pain to another; every one reaps the fruits of own actions on the law of karma.

Union and separation
Pleasurable and painful experiences
Friends and foes
Gains and losses
Fame and else

All these are snares of delusion.

Even so birth and death
Prosperity and adversity
Destiny and time

And all belongs to the family of illusion.

What ever seen in this mundane world as lands, houses, wealth, town and family, heaven and hell and other phenomena of the world seen heard felt or thought of mind has its roots in ignorance; hardly exist on the pace of bare truth their in, is all part of illusion and likely to disappear with time.

Suppose in dream a beggar is crowned king or the lord of paradise is reduced to the state of pauper; the one does neither gain nor does the other lose anything. So must one look upon to this world the way it is close to self.

Reasoning thus be not angry nor blame any one in vain.

Every one is slumbering in the night of delusion in the wait of a new sunrise. And while asleep one sees dreams of varying kinds.

In this night of mundane existence it is mystics alone who keep awake are in quest of highest truth and remains aloof from world.

A soul should be deemed as awoke from this night of mundane world only when one develops aversion from the undue enjoyments of the world of senses.

It is only when right understanding comes that the error of delusion disappears and then alone one develops true love for the lotus feet of lord, the highest spiritual goal is devoted to the lotus feet of lord in thoughts words and deeds then one reaches at the supreme reality of self and the supreme.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Mind is a main factor in life to carry on with and a sound and perfect mind leads a perfect life where as ill mind enforce a sick life. There are so many diseases of mind which matters to life and life mostly suffers on the track of them. Saints have quoted them in their own version to make one aware of such deadliest diseases and their impact of life_

Infatuation is the root of all ailments and from these again arise many other troubles.

Five elements which is subject of body sky air fire water and earth and three streams through them which forms the part of body are vaat{air} pit{acid} and cough got effected through these ailments hence influence the life respectively.

Lust is the counter part of wind.
Inordinate greed corresponds to an abundance of phlegm.
Anger represents bile

And all the three burns the heart.

The cravings for many fold pleasures of sense, so difficult to realize are various distempers which are too numerous of name.

The feeling of mine ness corresponds to ring worms.

Envy represents itches

Joy and grief corresponds to a disease of throat

Grudging contemplation of others happiness represents consumption.

Wickedness and perversity corresponds in even more deadly sufferings.

Egoism is counterpart of most pain full goat.

Hypocrisy deceit arrogance and pride corresponds to disease known as dracontiasis.

Jealousy and thoughtlessness corresponds to kind of fever.

Peoples hardly been able to stand with any of them and if all attacks one then it really becomes miserable to carry on with even but those who track the life through devotional spirit none of these diseases comes near by.

Here true preceptor is the perfect physician and devotion to the lord is life giving herbs. Contentment is the precaution to get well soon on the true track of life as human.

Let one realize this chapter in true spirit to attain the glorious wisdom of life as human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.