Saturday, March 14, 2009

patanjali yoga

Yam niyam asana pranayam pratyahaar dharana dhyana and Samadhi are basic steps of patanjali yoga established by a great sage for the ultimate good of life.

Non violence -truthfulness -non covetousness -chastity -not receiving the irrelevant counts is called yoga. All these help in purifying the mind at its ultimate mode.

Non violence is the highest religious merit.

Truth is supreme all the way and truth triumphs.

Non taking goods by stealth or by force are called non covetousness and are the best for a true life.

Not receiving undue gifts results in maintaining the true cord of heart which ultimate matters for purity of mind heart and soul.

Tapas- austerity, svadhyaya –study, santosh- contentment, shauch- purity, ishvar pranidhaan – worshiping god is called niyam.

Austerity is maintain the body at its optimize mode through truthful modes inclusive of penance which ultimately leads one to purify self.

Study is meant to graduate the mind to interact with life in true pace and optimize the level of realization.

Sense of satisfaction is contentment which is the pillar and post of peace which leads to bliss.

Purity is the essence of life as human if one wishes to interact with true self.

Worshipping of god helps in attaining the wisdom of knowledge which is the light life needs to visualize the self.

Asana posture, posture of sitting as well sleeping plays an important role to activate our body cell in right pace or else.

Pranayam is the exercise to optimize the pitch of breathing mode. Breath in- breath out is life. Pran {life} is vital force and it needs to get optimize for a true pace.

Pratyahaar is the control of diet, diet directly influences the heart and mind and for a perfect pace of life it needs true and optimize diet.

Dharana is the sort of waves arises on the plane of mind through the ocean of heart which needs to get control for a right pace of life.

Dhyana is the mode of meditation which paves in the path of union with self and the supreme.

Samadhi is the state of interaction with self and the supreme or in other words it is a state of living emancipation.

Basically these are the eight petals of golden lotus which yogis kept in heart to meet with ultimate glory of being human in life.

Human life is more than precious to have so and those make good use of it meet with the ultimate soul mate and those who waist it like a raw stone wonder to get remodel in a shape again and again in the cycle of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Human life is a wonder gift of god through which one attain the divine wisdom along with precious achievements of life but it needs a true faith in self and the supreme.

It is in human life alone that one can raise by his own self but with the help of faith.

Faith and self reliance are basics of being human to reach at the true self. Reliance must suppose to be true in form. True reliance must not track the bodily reliance alone but it is some thing mightier and a bit immortal. Self reliance never means arrogance; on the contrary it may mean exceeding humanity. Truly reliance one is that enriched with divine spirit.

The one who unflinching faith and mastered senses attains wisdom, and heaving attained wisdom, enjoys supreme peace in life the basic desire of soul.

Faith is a tangible support in life though external agencies act to dismantle the idol of faith but truth of heart ultimately makes it to have so. Faith is basically a sense of trust in one’s higher self.

Those lacks the faith in self hardly reaches at the glorious mode of life. Those faiths in self but at true pitch make it all well.

Those have faith in god never felt distressed for long even in the hardest pace of life.

Faith brings spiritual vision to life and with spiritual vision one can track the truth of self and the lord with all ease.

Superficial acceptance is not a faith at its true pace. Ego is main obstacle in the path of faith. Over activeness can also detrack the faith.

Faith must needs to have roots deep in heart on the ether plane of soul. It is faith which matters a lot for a human life. True faith is the track of ultimate success in life. It is faith which helps to dispel the dark of miseries. It is faith which brings glory to life.

Let one realize the importance of faith in life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.