Thursday, August 6, 2009

basic motto

Glory of lord Rama speaks on the very purpose of being human on the planet. Life on the planet is just journey for all in specific orbit of sustain but the human. Human life has a specific meaning to attain so that is realization of true self and the God.

Knowledge on the subject makes it easy to reach at. It is for one and all to know that God alone comprise all and the same time it is he who transcends all. God alone stands apart from all and is absolutely different from the life featured in varying form but this is also true that god has created human in his own image for the true purpose to interact with.

There is nothing beside God in this world but god is not confined to this world alone; he exists even beyond here. Existence of god is a hidden truth which could reveal by realization.

The god is one who manifest self diagonally opposite attributes, form and state at one and the same time; yet altogether and ever beyond them all.

The embodied form of God, his name, sports and abodes are all divine and consist of truth alone at its varying pitch but same for all.

The basic feature of god is clearly defined that once one is united then never disunited at all. Truth is the cord to reach at; virtues life is the state to meet so; divine love is the basic subject to unite with.

Neither one have to fetch God from some where nor is required to go anywhere for the sake of God, detach self from the excessive mundane existence by removing the veil of worldly names and forms and let God look at you; truly speaking-god stands ever realized.

And the basic motto of being human is to realize the God.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.