Friday, May 14, 2010


Emancipation is the subject concern to one and all on the subject of life. Any one can attain liberation from the bondage of illusion with few corrections in life style. It is not all that who have renounced the world can attain it alone.

Emancipation is open to all-all grades of society- all stages of life, irrespective of geological strata, religion or else.

Indeed it needs spiritual light in life for final beatitude. Emancipation follows with spiritual wisdom. Indeed purity is the subject for final unison.

Prolonged practice of disinterested action automatically sees the light of truth in the self is the cause for.

It is true that those ever united with lord on the cord of worship through thoughts words and deeds but in tread of love lord bless them with highest state of purity in heart and reside there-dispel the darkness born of ignorance by the shining light of wisdom. Those associate the enlighten one also make it qualify for final beatitude.

Realization unto self and the God is also a must factor for unison. Truthful livelihood and living favorable to environment and nature with contentment and thanks to the ultimate giver at heart makes one to qualify for ultimate liberation.

No ill will or attachment
No denounce or praise
No ego or pride
No favor or reluctance
No craved or aversion
Moderate pitch of life with smile at heart that reflects on face attracts emancipation all well. He, who is keenly devoted to his own natural duty, attains highest perfection in realization the cause for emancipation. Those keen on the subject should strive one’s utmost to realize him by serving the lord-manifested in the form of the universe, constituent and the stage of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please