Saturday, April 30, 2011


Attitude matters the most in life, especially when it comes to human life. Attitude must match the prevailing truth on the cord of life. One must suppose to have positive attitude for fair life; indeed negative though are the part of life but.

Greatness of man lies in his attitude to tackle the situation of life in true spirit. Greatness lies in character of a man. Greatness lies in fair thought one keep for life above the limitations of self.

One needs to have helping attitude in life to help the fellow beings. One needs to have supporting attitude to prove self on the cord of being human. Those keep a helping attitude attain blessings of lord for ultimate welfare.

Inner truth influence the attitude, sinful people cannot be generous in attitude but pious one will maintain moral attitude toward life that leads to kindness and selfless. Severing attitude really helps one to attain the consciousness unto self and the supreme.

Attitude of a truly religious man must match the profile of holy man in attitude. Pious one ever tracks the virtues attitude on the cord of life.

Attitude of true one must suppose to be fair for one and all; decent attitude reflects the purity of heart and mind. Selfless attitude toward life leads one to God. Positive attitudes ensure the better profile on the other world.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, April 29, 2011

good and bad

This world consist of both good and bad, fortunate one experience the good that makes one to celebrate the life at its peak but those pauper on the cord of fate experience lot of miseries beyond measure.

This age of kali is very indifferent for both either one enjoying the life or one suffering; both are bound to meet the fate of deeds on the cord of law that law of karma; rarely very few enjoy the whip of truth that leads one to the cord of realization.

Those who have manifested in the form of king or god have also faced lot of struggle to survive either on the cord of truth or to maintain the self respect; the foremost subject of being human. This kali age is nothing but an invisible fire that has taken all by one cord.

All the flowers of the garden of this mundane existence are mare silk cotton, indeed attractive red lustrous but when parrot pecks at the fruit it breaks struck and cannot disengage its bill from the tasteless cotton pad.

Having come to the world, good or bad one cannot escape but to live with till it covers the script. This fragile and transient human life needs a tangible support in both the cases of life and refuge in the name of lord gives relief a lot as per the quotes of true saints.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, April 28, 2011


It is really pity on them, those who refuse to avail themselves invaluable gifts of sat-sang. There are varying forms of sat-sang but three are highlighted as main to reach at the glory of this unique mode lord has created to make soul feel like home_
Singing the praise of his virtues
Adoring the truth
Associating the true saints

All the three paths leads to one goal that is liberation from the bondage of illusion and paving the path of final beatitude-merging in the ocean of bliss.

In sat-sung all the three winds flows to make one experience the feeling of being self at its designated pitch to attain the bliss at its best.

Singing of praise indicates the sound that vibrates the inner chamber to make one attain the true wakeful state.

Adoring truth makes one realize unto self and the supreme that leads one to the essential truth roots to bliss

Associating true saints makes it to raise noble thoughts and arouse pity and devotion that makes it very easy to attain the meaning of being human and to fulfill the motto of being human. Blemishes of sensuality that is very cause for transmigration is shaken off in the company of true saints. In the company of holy man barrier of ignorance is removes and bliss is generated and one overfilled with joy that eternal. Company of true saints, one develops love-devotion and spiritual wisdom and enjoy the fruits of divine bliss.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

to gratify the spirit

Hunger and thirst are natural modes that one subjected to on the cord of life at regular interval to feed the basic requirement of elements constitute the body to carry on with life.

Thirst and hunger are natural to our bodies and means adopted but men to satisfy them, though various but equal in broad spectrum, every being has chart out its own schedule to feed these two as and when it arise, one cannot feel hungry merely at seeing others taking food.

Just as the satisfaction of bodily wants, worldly joy, study, service and respectful dealing are natural requirement of every men so is the spiritual practice is natural requirement of soul to experience the eternal joy, peace and bliss.

In domain of spirituality one needs to adopt various spiritual means such as cultivating the company of sages, refuge in the name of lord, study of the scripture and practice yoga including the breath-control exercise known in the name of PRANAAYAM.

Selfless service to the spiritual master paves the way for true spirituality. Meditation unto self and the divine power leads one to the path of final beatitude. Repetition of holy name is a tangible support in journey of spiritual world.

Heart filled with love that divine one and intense longing for god, makes one realize him in very short spell to gratify the spirit.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

For true devotees

For true devotees lord is the light that gives the vision, lord is the candle that dispel the dark, lord is the flower that gives the fragrance to help in squeezing self and aligning sense organ inwards for fair realization.

For devotees Lord is the sunrise that gives the hope to life, lord is flower that gives the felling of perfection, lord is the night that awards fruits of one’s karma in the form of dreams.

For devotees lord is love to experience the beauty of life, lord is glamour to attach the self for final beatitude, Lord is hope for liberation from the delusive modes of Maya.

For devotees Lord is a Yoga that connects self with supreme, lord is bridge to cross over the ocean of mundane existence, lord is a sound that vibrates the inner chamber to experience the feeling of being self.

For devotees serving the lord is top priority, loving the God is essence of true self and submitting to lord is the only deed to celebrate the chapter of life at its true pace.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moral life

Moral education is must to develop true personality that leads one to the ultimate goal of being human. Education is one thing but graduation on the cord of morality is other. Education in broad-spectrum is meant to create skill to counter the problems arise to sustain in day to day life.

But development of personality needs moral education that gives the true meaning of being human. Essence of the moral education is to impart knowledge that develop self restraint, self discipline, feelings to assist the deprived one, compassionate to the weak and above all developing inner culture to realize self for final beatitude.

Speaking truth, practice virtue; maintain the level of faith unto self and supreme, charity, devoted features with submissive mode on the cord of love enlighten the pace of life with moral.

One cannot afford to be content enough with the self development; one need to help others for the development of society is part of moral life. Morally one must accept life as gift of God and respect it in true spirit. Sustain a life is not a talk but live a moral life adds value to self.

Moral life adds to inner development, development on the sphere of spirituality and ultimate truth.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, April 25, 2011

activate true self

Doubts and duality always indicates its supremacy on life and to counter this sick wizard of illusion one needs to activate true self with inner vision and inner voice.

To activate true self one needs to adore truth at its first step, one needs to worship qualified absolute to support self; rendering service to all beings regarding them as divine manifestation is one of the define form of worship that guides the self to differentiate between right and the wrong.

Optimizing the pace of ego helps in justifying the reasoning. Faith in self and the power of almighty lord enhance the pace that stream-line the truth of self that gives the true vision that guides.

Those meditate unto self and live a live matching the features of nature establish a link with self that guides well in life as and when needed the most; it is inner voice, one can tune in Brahma mahurat with care and conscious.

Faith in god, consulting conscience and inner voice guides all well to differentiate between right and the wrong; choose the right and discard the wrong and meet the feet of saintly soul here itself.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Ego is the worst enemy of man and is a biggest stumbling block in spiritual progress. Scriptures have gives plenty of instances of kings, demons and even sages falls to the pray of ego.

It is really a tough task to over power the ego of man. Infect ego is the taste of false. On the cord of life, no is buyer of ego.

Ego is one of the features that indicated by the five elements must to constitute the body. Indeed ego is an essential factor to maintain the pace as that the quote of science ‘friction is a necessary evil”.

Ego represents the I-ness and mine that rules the world on the cord of illusion. Ego is the prime cause of any disassociation. Ego dissociates even self from life and cause depression beyond measure.

Whatever success one attains in life one feels that is due to one’s own prowess and merits that cause one to ride the ego that leads one to fall at its ultimate mode but the factual status is far from the truth that no one can succeed without the blessings of God.

Behind every success there is nothing but the power of God hence no way rout to ego.

As long as ego rules the conscious, one is bound to be slave of Maya-it is really hard to perceive the truth unto men and Maya unless or until one neutralize one’s ego through submission.

To discard the ego once for all is not possible as it appear with circumstances at its most, but to optimize the pitch of ego and cover it with covering of submission is the key to rule it.

Truth unto self is far from i-ness that leads to ego, it is different from what is known and beyond what is not known but the knower himself.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please