Saturday, July 2, 2016

doomed by putting trust in a woman

Jai sri Ram,
The celestial tree of my desire, that had already blossomed, has been torn with its roots by the elephant like Kaykai just when it was about to bear fruit,

She has destroyed Ayodhya and laid the foundation of everlasting misfortune,

An inauspicious thing has happened at an auspicious moment and I am doomed by putting trust in a woman like striving yogi who has be undone by nescience at a time when his practice of yoga was just going to bear fruit in the form of realisation,

In this way The king moaned within self-seeing his bad plight the queen sulked within her heart and said_is Bharata not your Son,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, July 1, 2016

He felt dismayed

Jai sri Ram,
The king was grieved in heart to hear these gentle words even as cakoravika bird is filled with agony at the mare touch of moon beam,

He felt dismayed and could not utter a word, Like a partridge in the wood at he swoop of a falcon,

The King turned altogether pale as a palm tree struck by lighting,

With his hands to his forehead and closing both his eyes he began to mourn life grief personified,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Vouchsafe to me

Jai sri Ram
Hear my beloved Lord that which pleases my heart,

Vouchsafe to me for one that installation of Bharata as prince regent of Ayodhya,

And for the second boon, i ask with joined palms-pray accomplish my desire, my lord,


May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

piercing words

Jai sri Ram
Having thus bound him to his word the evil minded queen smilingly said,

Removing as it were the cap from the eyes Hawk like pilot,

The King's desire represented a lovely grove and the joy stood resembled a Bhila woman,

Sought to release a fierce falcon in the form of her piercing words,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

highest embodiment of affection,

Jai sri Ram
Even a multitude of sins cannot be matched with a lie,

Can millions of Gunja seeds ever stand comparison with a mountain,

Veracity is the root of all noble virtues, as is well known in the Vedas and puranas

And has been declared by Manu-the first law giver of the world, over and above this i have unwittingly sworn by Ram, who is perfection of virtue and the highest embodiment of affection,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

do not level a false charge

Jai Sri Ram
As for myself-i forgot all about them, being oblivious by nature,

Pray do not level a false charge against me,

You might as well ask four boons instead of two,

It has always been the rule with the race of Raghu that one's plight word must redeemed even at the cost of one's life,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Monday, June 27, 2016

understand the whole mystery

Jai Sri Ram,
You do repeat the word-ASK ASK_but never actually give anything,

You promised me a couple of boons but i am yet doubtful about my getting them,

I have now understand the whole mystery-said the king with a smile,

You are extremely fond of being angry, you kept your boons in reserve and never asked for them,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

the ways of a woman

Jai sri Ram,
King was unable to detect her wily designs that,

Tutored  as she was by a teacher Manthara who ranked foremost among millions of Villains,

Although the king was skilled in statesmanship, the ways of a woman are like an unfortunate ocean,

Again with a greater show of false affection she smilingly said with a graceful movement of her face and eyes,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please