Saturday, January 16, 2016

moonlit night,

Jai sri Ram,
They gazed the amazement at the wonderful pavilion and all the different works of art which were of a transcendental character,

The people of the city were so many mines of beauty,

That well formed, pious, amiable and wise,

In their presence all the gods and goddesses appeared like stars in a moonlit night,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

proceeded to witness sri Rama's wedding

Jai Sri Ram,
Lord Shiva, Brahma and hosts of other gods mounted aerial car in several groups,

Their frames thrilling over the emotion and their hearts overflowing with joy,

They proceeded to witness sri Rama's wedding,

The gods felt so enraptured to see janaka's capital that their own realms appeared to them as of small account,

May lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Friday, January 15, 2016

beat their drums

Jai sri Ram,
Witnessing King Dasaratha's good fortune and glory and believing their birth as fruitless,

Brahma and the other gods began to extol him with a thousand tongues,

The gods perceive that it was a fit occasion for happy rejoicings,

Hence they rained down flowers and beat their drums,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please  

Thursday, January 14, 2016

host of sages and holy men

Jai sri Ram,
In this manner they proceeded to invite the bridegroom's party with due honour and called at the latters lodgings,

When they witnessed King Dasaratha Glory, Indra-the lord of celestial looked very small to them,

The hour has has come-be good enough to start now, they submitted,

At this the drums gave a thundering beat, after consulting this preceptor and going the family rites King Dasaratha sallied forth with a host of sages and holy men,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

cause of delay

Jai sri Ram,
The King asked the family priest-what is the cause of delay now,

Family priest summoned the ministers, who came equipped with all auspicious articles,

A number of conchs, drums and tabors sounded, festal vases and articles of good oman were displayed,

Graceful women sang songs and holy Brahmans murmured Vedic texts,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Brahmanas appraised king Janaka

Jai sri Ram,
When all the people heard of this, they observed_

Astrologers of this place are so many creators as it were,

The most auspicious and scared hour sunset, which is the time when cow generally return home from posture, is consequently marked by clouds of dusts raised by their hoofs, arrived

Perceiving propitious omens, the Brahmanas appraised king Janaka of its approach,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Monday, January 11, 2016

astrologers had already determined,

Jai sri Ram,
Having carefully examined and determined the propitious nature of planets, date, asterism,

The conjunction of stars , the day of the week and hour of the wedding,

The creator despatched the note concerning the hour of the the wedding through Narada,

It was just the same that Janaka's astrologers had already determined,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please