Saturday, July 9, 2016

you too spoke well of him and loved him,

Jai sri Ram,
Only one thing has caused me pain; the second boon that you have asked for something incongruous,

My heart is still burning with the agony caused by it,

Is it anger or jest or is it all really true,

Tell me with a cool mind sri Rama's guilt, every says Rama is extremely well behaved, you too spoke well of him and loved him,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, July 8, 2016

Bharata will be the prince regent

Jai sri Ram
No doubt i arranged everything without consulting you,

That is why my cherished desire has not been realized,

Now give up your anger and put on a festal garb,

A few days hence Bharata will be the prince regent,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rama has no greed of sovereignty

Jai sri Ram
Rama has no greed of sovereignty and is deeply attached to Bharata,

I was only going to follow the usage obtaining among the princes,

Considering the seniority and juniority of the two princes, I

I sincerely tell you swearing by Rama a hundred times that his mother never said a word to me in this connection,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

solemnly bestow the kingdom on Bharata,

Jai sri Ram
My darling, why should you utter such unbecoming words,

Casting all confidence and affection to the winds,

O timid Lady, Bharata and Rama are my two eyes, i vouch for it calling Sankara as my witness,

I will positively dispatch a messenger at day break and two brothers will speedily come on hearing the message, then after fixing an auspicious date and making all preparations i will solemnly bestow the kingdom on Bharata,

May lord bless all,

Thanks please 

dreadful and inflexible

Jai sri Ram
With a malicious mind for its hilt and remorselessness for its edge,

Whetted on the grindstone in the shape of the humpback Manthara,

The King, saw that the sword was dreadful and inflexible and said to himself,

It is really going to take my life-then seeing his heart, he politely spoke to her in endearing terms,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

own sword from the sheath

Jai sri Ram
In this way Kaykai uttered most pungent words as though applying salt to a burn,

A champion of righteousness, the king took courage and opened his eyes,

Beating his head signed out-she has smitten me in the most vital part,

He saw her standing before him burning with rage as if it were fury's own sword from the sheath,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Monday, July 4, 2016

you promised me

Jai sri Ram,
Refuse the boons you promised me,

Abandon the truth and court infamy in the world,

Loud in your praise of truth you promised me a couple of Boons,

Imaging of course that i would ask for a handful of parched grain Sibi, Dadhichi and Bali, redeemed their plighted word maintaining whatever they said even at the cost of their life and possessions,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please  

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Have you brought me in consideration of money,

Jai sri Ram,
Have you brought me in consideration of money,

If my words pierced you like arrows the moment they entered your ear,

Why should you not make promise after careful thought,

Either say yes to my proposal or decline, you are true to your promise in the race of Raghu,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please