Thursday, March 22, 2007


Lord Rama is the a comprehensive profile for life to learn all the way to have be better on the board of life.It reflects the status of life at all stages either a childhood or a teenage or a youth or a mature red one or a older age of life. basics of life must remains the same for all stages that be conscious , be careful while performing the acts of life that no one should get hurt either on feelings or other wise.

Be submit at the chapter of life while performing duties,always keep the truth at top.give priorities to deprived on the face of life-help the Neddie's to the tune of fare dealing & by realizing the bare facts of the concern.Must have a right principles in life & obey them all the way on the track of truth.Try to be fair with life-try to be fair with others-be fair with your self, must for sure.

Glory of lord Rama reflects a lot more about those who need a lesson on the chapter of life-treat them the way they deserve-if you spare the guilty,will enhance the sin here,must be on track of forgiveness-is a sure profile of human life but with all care.Have faith in life-Have a faith in your self-Have faith in your faith.

Thank you very much

mahesh sharma