Tuesday, June 12, 2007

lust -anger & greed in life

glory of lord Rama reflects on to life, the subjects which repeats itself again & again more or less to all that there are three main evils could be taken to testify as the subject as main to life.

Three most formidable of all are lust-anger & greed. In an instant the mind of hermits who are the very repositories of wisdom. the weapons of greed are desire & hypocrisy-------of lust not but women----while angers weapon is harse words speech nothing else. This declare only after the deep thought.

It demonstrate in life about the miserable plight of earthly lovers & strengthened dispassion in the mind of wise. all these sick subjects of life-anger, lust, greed, pride & delusion are set to get eliminated through the one act, one mode, one pace that is none other than devotion on to faith.

Experienced on the life on the version of itself speaks with loud truth all the way in one line that is it that real thing to have so in life is nothing other than faith & devotion on to faith, rest is like a dream nothing else as truth of the dreams remains far apart from the factual status of life.

Better be in time & on time to achieve the real sense of humar as human in life.

Please thanks
Mahesh sharma