Thursday, June 28, 2007

praise by saints & seer

glory of lord Rama reflects in its content that variety of peoples are on the board of life, not all alike, different peoples with different mode & different version for life. their motives & motto's are different on the whole, apart from the basic motto as set universally for a life as human.

nice peoples are like flowers who always make others smile, wicked are bound to inflict pain even to those with whom, they are very intimate.selfishness is regular profile of life as all have to survive with small if & buts but excess of each & every thing proves to be bad.

social bindings are meant to facilitate the life but when they passed through the wicked on the board of life, they change the climax & put a question on the social stream.

it is really hard to get peoples with nice mode but they are still there among all, & maintaining their own profile with all resistance they have been forced to go along with all smile.

the world abounds in men who resemble lakes & rivers, that got swollen with their own rise when waters are added to them. there is some rare good soul like ocean, which swells at the sight of full moon.

saint & seers praise the later who feel happy with the happiness of others. illusion & the god too praise those alike that.

may god bless all for a better life.

mahesh sharma