Sunday, July 1, 2007

purification in life

glory of lord Rama reflects on to the subject of life on the planet that a holy dip in water of divine spirit make one purify all the way from outer as well as inner impurities. when impurities got washed away than it remains only truth in life for the self & the one defined as supreme power on the board of life.

supreme power is the one who mind the purity & the truth in the life, supreme power has its own mode to respect he same on the board of life, that's why- the life wonder to get purified at any cost for those who have realized this bare fact of life.

purification has got many modes on life as elaborated by the giant saints of time-outer purification could be achieved with all ease just with a wash or a dip in pond but inner purification is tough.

for inner purification-this got three mains to put impact----first is our acts which must be fair to the self & the nature on the verge of bare facts on to them.
second-our state of living must support the life & nature in its true value mode-----
than it comes our faith which helps in to get holy dip in the name of god on the every sphere of life with all patience & fairness on to that.

than it come a purified life which is taken by the mercy of god with all respect & glory on to that.

let us be bless from the kind honour of our beloved god.

mahesh sharma