Sunday, July 15, 2007


glory of lord Rama speaks on the subject of refuge-by the version of illusion when peoples seek refuge in fear & agonies irrespective of their acts are gladly accepted by the god in all respect.

version of god is do define & clear like any thing that those seek his refuge they got so with all ease once they mean it by their heart & mind in all respect with true mode.

god version speaks that my vow is to dispel all kind of fears from the mind of those who seek refuge in me.

life rejoiced to hear these words of god, who cherished paternal affection for his protege.version god again pacify his view on those who seek refuge or who deny them that those people who forsake a suppliant, apprehending evil from him are vile & sinful; their very sight is abominable.

i will not abandon even the murderer of myriads of great & true Brahmans, if if seek refuge in me, the moment a creature turn its face towards me the sin incurred by it through millions of lives are washed away. a sinner is by his very nature is averse to my worship.

had a been wicked at heart, could he ever dare to approach me. that man alone who has a pure mind can attain me. i have an aversion for duplicity, wiles and censoriousness.

may lord Rama bless all the the way this on the board of life.

mahesh sharma