Wednesday, July 25, 2007


glory of lord Rama reflects on the version of saints in many sphere of life, saints are remain in touch with life as well illusion & the god. the live a life of different profile-a profile which reflects on the welfare of mankind & the nature.

the care for life-they love the life with out any lust on to it-the live the life basically in true mode to interact with it on their stay at this planet.they keep the realization always at their mind & then interact with life.

their sole motto with life itself & for others is non other than a unique creation on the face of truth in their own mode.they understand the things first Then realize at simultaneously on its every aspect of to broad sphere of life then interact with with a positive mode.

saints keeps the pain of others at their heart to make them happy with all ease & just show a smile at face while pain at heart for the cause.they understand all well but its hard to understand them at heart.

they bless all with out any if & but, they main wish remains alive in their heart - welfare of all-success for ll-peace for all, that's why they known as saints.

mahesh sharma