Monday, August 20, 2007

peace in life

the glory of lord Rama speaks the way this on the chapter of harmony in life, the celestial bodies in firmament exist in harmony; harmony permeates space_earth_waters_herbs_and foliage, bounties of nature, divine knowledge, one & all around_harmony all the way_o god peace be a part of my personality on to life.

it needs peace all the way to continue in life as miseries attack the life from in as well out side,the pain which consume the peace on the verge of natures stream of earth quake -rain or fire or hazards from the nature in form of undue storms.

the pain inflict by the fellow life's on the chapter of life also consume peace in & let the life in miseries.

above all invisible pain from inside which burns the life live_anger_greed_infatuation_recurring doubts_infidelity etc make the life suffer at its most.

it needs peace from all these miseries on the board of life, his mercy here on acts the supreme to interact with & oblige the life at with ease.

let us be under his kind shower to get relief from such kind of miseries in life & peace become the personality of life for self & others too.

may god bless all for the cause.

mahesh sharma