Thursday, December 20, 2007


Glory of lord rama reflects on the subject of peace in life & how it interact with the modules of life to make one satisfied on to self or under the influence of unrest at mind & Heart.

Our sense organs reflects on to manas & manas is the mode which influence the sense organ to carry on with the way it guides, this results in a activity on the subject of life which either accepted by the soul at its sole discretion may results in either joy & peace but if in the reversal fortune it results in unrest.

The mode of peace is the lust of soul on the subject of life, but soul is associated with heart & mind through a wizard known as manas, though it is invisible but very strong enough to tilt the life either way, have ether links in between heart & mind on to soul.

Our sense organs are eyes ear nose tongue & the skin. It is only through these five we acquire knowledge on the subject of life & command the body to act the way it goes on.

When theses sense track to the tune of truth on the verge of life it sounds peace, but when these senses takes the rout of undue lust on the subject of life under the influence of manas it ruins the life & bring only unrest for here & here after.

Words of wisdom & teaching of wisdom either through the pearls words of saints Or through the mode of ancient books plays a great role to keep our these five sensory organs on track. If organs pace on track then it means peace & ultimate glory of life for here & here after.

May god bless all on the subject of true human life.

Mahesh sharma