Sunday, December 9, 2007

reflection of life

Glory of lord Rama reflects the version of life that it is as simple as it could be to visualize & realize on the subject of life prior to its too late to react their on that life is being put on watch by the supreme through nature itself though life is a part of nature. But no body can escape from the reach of nature while to perform here on the plate form of life.

What one reaps the same one has to sows is the basic principle of life on the planet & especially for the human. bad acts brings sorrows to life where as good acts win rewards for here & here after too.

Those behave like demons on the subject of life are bound to face the arrows of time & nature which pains so much deep till soul. Therefore, nature recalls that giving up obstinacy, devise some means of safety the time devour them.

Don’t trust those whose words are the based on the subjection of rewards or under the influence of fear, listen the tune of ones soul on the verge of truth to achieve the ultimate truth of life as human. When a minister, a physician & religious preceptor, theses three use pleasing words from the fear or hope of reward, this results in dominion, health & faith, all the three forthwith go to lost.

It is always be better on the realization mode to reach at the true meaning of life as human.

Mahesh sharma