Tuesday, January 8, 2008

auspicious mode

Hare Rama___

Glory of lord reflects on the auspicious modes on for life in the form of sounds too, varying mode & vibrant of sound have different indication on the events of life. In life though every bit of sound have its own reference & meaning for life but here five have been taken to task for elaboration.

Lute, clapping of hand, the clashing of pair of cymbals, bearing of kettledrum & blowing of any other wind instrument reflects fine for life. Other five varieties of sound also reflects fine for life are muttering of Vedic texts or divine mode, the praise of family bards, shouts of victory, blast of conches & beat of drums.

Laugh of infants also reflects as an auspicious mode for life.

Those on the mode of realization could visualize the pace of event on way through these modes of life in the form of sound.

May god bless all on the subject of true life.

Mahesh sharma