Tuesday, January 22, 2008

loss & gain

Hare Rama___
Glory of lord speaks on the version of life that lot of things happens in life on the verge of acts as loss & gain, glory & infamy but rest assure that one can hardly make an effort, fate of results always remains in the hands of providence.

Providence has kept the name of media which interact with acts & their result as illusion on the subject of life. Illusion attracts the life make efforts to reach at the destiny but ultimate results only remains in the fold of providence.

Loss & gain, life & death, glory & infamy – all these always lie in the hands of providence. Undue thoughts for them is of no use hence life needs to just realize & carry on up with the spirit of life in its true pace to please the supreme for ultimate glory their in & there after the life.

May god bless all on the subject of true life.

Mahesh sharma