Friday, February 29, 2008


Hare Rama___
Those who visualize the virtues of his glory on for life on the planet feel a bit ease to carry on with. Though life is meant for celebration but in true pace if achieve the true meaning of life here.

When light of wisdom dawned on life then it quotes the way this that O lord, it is all set on rest by your grace. Renouncing pleasure, prosperity, home, personal glory and all those which attracts the life are not as, as that of devotional attachment with you, pairs of joy & sorrow, achievements and losses, friends and foes, pains and pleasure are the features of illusion are likely to disappears but faith in your lotus feet and devotional track which paves the way for divine love never vanish neither here nor here after. And that leads the life to its real glory miles apart from the glory of illusion named by the saints as emancipation.

Final beatitude is so easy for them those adore the path of true divine love.

May god bless all on the subject of true human life.

Thanks please.