Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hare Rama___
Mundane world is full of if and buts except for one thing which leads the life to self a devotional spirit. It’s deep dark even in the light of sun if some one has not attained the wisdom of knowledge. Mystics always keeps awake in this dark mundane world because of their two basics one is adore with truth of soul and second is the mode of realization on the factual status of life.

A soul should be deemed as heaving awoke from the night of the world only when he develops and aversion for the enjoyments of the world of senses. It is only when right understanding comes that the error of delusion disappears and then alone one develops love for the lotus feet of lord [supreme].

It is the highest spiritual goal for life as human to have love for him so called supreme on the subject of life on the planet.

May god bless all on the subject of true human life.

Thanks please.