Friday, March 14, 2008

wisdom and unwisdom

Glory of lord speaks in clear version about the life that wisdom and unwisdom dwell in the heart of all: so declare by the ancient books and Vedas. Where there is wisdom. Prosperity of every kind reign; and the other mode rules the life misfortune is the inevitable end.

Perversity usually roots the heart of wicked peoples in life, which makes them hard to differentiate between the true favor for life and its real foes. And the same profile of these ones takes to the night of destruction ultimately.

But where wisdom rules the life on the verge of true knowledge to carry on with, the same ones easily reach at self to attain the ultimate glory of life for here and here after.

It is always known to one all that late is better then never for acts which really means the life as human on the verge of true wisdom[knowledge].

May god bless all to have true life as human?

Thanks please.