Saturday, April 5, 2008

ego and pride

Glory of lord reflects on the varying version of life as human to carry on with here on the planet. There is a point on the feature of illusion which life bears while to carry on with mostly that is ego and pride, they appears as if two but rides on the same mode so called thick dark to drag the life far away from itself.

Fools given to the pleasures of senses are sized with infatuation on attaining power and reveal their true nature. Wise on the board of life remains in their respective manner even after attains the power in life.

Devotees have special privileges to be on fair mode on either pace of life while facing hard or going with favors. Those remains in their basic and natural mode are bound to be ultimate winner in life as human. Those over powered by the negative pace of illusion [ego or pride] suffers a lot at a later date.

May god bless all on the subject of life as true human.

Thanks please.