Sunday, April 27, 2008


Five senses and their sixth leader known as manas is the root cause of unrest in life and of sure peace too. Manas held responsible for the rightful use and misuse of sense perception in life. If manas keep its pace in control tough but attainable then it always keeps the heart and mind pure to interact with life at correct mode.

Peace and prosperity is the prime subject of life as human. In view to maintain an optimum pace saints and seers put their version for a true life, a life on the track of live and let live. Care and conscious is invited to the regular pace of life while to interact with along with realization on the fruits of acts.

Penance on right mode could help a lot for the purpose. Though human life it self is a mode of comprehensive penance if one takes it in true pace & fair spirit.

Vedic wisdom also quotes the same about peace, that let celestial bodies in the firmament exist in harmony; harmony exist in space, earth, water, herbs, nature and knowledge on to self and the subjects.

Let harmony be the part of one’s personality.

May god bless all on the subject of true life as human.

Thanks please