Tuesday, April 8, 2008

right pace

God has created the universe consisting o animate and inanimate being as partaking of both good and evil; peoples in the form of saint adore the goodness and left apart the evils of life.

Devotees of lord rectify that the errors and eradicating sorrows and weakness, being untarnished glory to them, even so the wicked occasionally perform a noble deed due to their good association, although their evil nature, which is unchangeable, can not be obliterated.

Even those who are imposer are respected on account of their grab, as the world is taken by their attractive appearance. But they are eventually exposed, cannot keep up their false appearance for a long and life have seen many demons as such in past.

It is always better be on right track to cur a sorry figure at a later date.

May god bless the life in its true pace of human life?

Thanks please.