Sunday, May 11, 2008

saints & the life

Glory of lord speaks about the saints with clear version all the way that it is saints who have given direction to the stream of life to live on socially with heaving fairness at heart and mind to carry on with unique mode of life so called peace.

Saints shower the divine nectar through his immortal words.

By just obtaining a glimpse of true saint’s three fold miseries left the life for a long.

It for one to realize that highest abode is very near by if one is in the company of true saint. When one reaches at the holy feet of saint means longing for god arise in the heart.

Nectar of love flows from the words of saints which is basic source of happiness and bliss.

In the assembly of saints noble thoughts arise, which graduate the mind for the ultimate glory of life for final beatitude.

May god bless all.

Thanks please.