Tuesday, July 15, 2008

final beatitude

Glory of lord Rama speaks on the subject of emancipation, final beatitude and its varying modes.

There are five types of final beatitude as enumerated in the scripture are as follows_
सालोक्य सारुप्य सामीप्य सायुज्य केवलम

Salokya means attaining a status as such as residing in the same heaven as the supreme deity.
Sarupya means attaining a status as such as a form similar to that of the deity.
Samipya means attaining a status as such as living in close proximity with the deity.
Sayujya means attaining a status as such as absorbed in deity.
Kevalam nothing left to attain further its final and total mode of unison or emancipation. This is the final stage of emancipation but this supreme state of final beatitude is most difficult to attain, so declare the saints as well as the ancient books including great Vedas. By worshiping lord Rama the same beatitude comes unsolicited even against one’s will {अति दुर्लभ कैवल्य परम पद संत पुरान निगम आगम बद राम भजत सोइ मुकुति गोसाई अनइच्छित आवइ बरिआई }.

Devotees of lord with pious heart and simple state of mind who adore the lotus feet of lord attain the one they inclined towards with all ease from the blessings of lord.

Lord is kind enough the care his devotees and those who take refuge in him.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.