Friday, September 5, 2008


Worship of god is common in all but mode may differ. Prayer has a special feature which brings life closer to self and the supreme. It establishes the link between soul and the supreme.

Prayer could be done through ether mode or from the fragrance of acts in life, both have their own merits and bring life close to self.

In prayer one may have the wish at heart which might be the fruits of lucrative wisdom or the truth of spiritual light but it is a establish fact that true prayer impact hard to establish positive vibes between soul and supreme.

Prayer could only be effective if taken in true spirit. Those who have taken refuge in lord may have better results at easy modes while on way to prayer. Earnestness and simplicity are the basic roots to reach at true prayer.

Sincere and humble prayer are listened by lord at a glance.

Prayer brings light to life to dispel the dark of ignorance.

Prayer fill up the gap of emptiness in life, it prevent us from forbidden acts. It induce discipline in life and define the track of karma to a large extend. Prayer brings light of spiritual wisdom and develops gratitude in life.

Vedic mode reflects nine modes of prayer and other ancient books reflect 16, and 64 modes of offering prayer to lord.

Service to mankind and nature also counts to be a great prayer on the subject of life which brings fruits for here and here after.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.