Saturday, October 18, 2008

version of saints

The version of saints for life is as such that those who forsake a suppliant, apprehending evil from one are vile and sinful; their very sight is abominable.

A sinner by his very nature is averse to the worship of lord.

Lord is one might be heaving different names and forms but in fact is one and only so called supreme soul.

The one who has a pure mind & fair heart can attain the blessings of lord. Lord has an aversion for duplicity, wiles and censoriousness. The version of lord is very clear and define all the way that those who sought shelter in lord out of fear, lord cherish one as any thing he loves most.

There can be no happiness for a creature or peace their in even in dream so long as I does not relinquish undue desire which is a very abode of sorrows and adore the path of righteous.

Those who have faith in self and truth and worship the qualified form of lord, are intent on doing good to others, firmly thread the path of rightness and steadfast in the vow and devoted to the truth in life through thoughts words and deeds are bound to reach at the glory of life as success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.