Sunday, November 9, 2008

Abode of lord

Lord is omni present is known to one and all but manifest on the wish of devotees and assumes the form one keeps in heart while longing for lord is bare fact to believe.

Abode of lord is the very heart of pious soul and saints along with devotee’s who Ear are like an ocean constantly replenished with number lovely streams in the shape of stories but know no surfeit

Heart of those always keeps on longing for beloved lord; their heart is abode of lord.

Heaving no lust greed anger arrogance pride infatuation attraction and aversion and free from frauds of life is abode of lord and lord manifest in their heart.

Devotees whose head bow down most submissively and lovingly at the sight of a god, preceptor or Brahma and whose hands adore the lotus feet with all love, the heart of such devotees is abode of lord.

Those never indulge in undue sensuality and for them others wealth is the deadliest of all poison, rejoice to see others happy and grieved to see others in distress and their heart is abode of lord.

Those offer water to the manes and pour in to the sacred fire in diverse ways, who feed the truth one’s and bestow liberal gifts on them & who look upon their sat guru as greater then any one else and honor him even a bit than lord, and their very heart is abode of lord.

That only boon seeks against making whole sum submission in the lotus feet of lord is devotion and their heart is abode of lord.

Those who overlooks others faults and pick their virtues and their very heart is the abode of lord.

Those wants nothing at any moment of life and bear natural affinity to the lotus feet of lord, lord dwells in his mind and heart with all grace.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.