Thursday, December 4, 2008

true self

Glory of lord reflects on every chapter of life to make it even clearer to understand the version of life and meaning of being human in life. Life which runs on the three tier mode, out of which intermediate is illusion, supreme one is lord and soul is at the receiving end. Subjective knowledge is must to carry on with a fair mode in life.

Saints have explained through their valued experience that all troubles of life meet their end in the lotus feet of lord.

With out the grace of lord it is really hard to counter the hurdles of life. Hurdles take different routs and make change over but ultimate peace and bliss lies in the lotus feet of lord.

To reach at the lotus feet of lord it needs faith.

With out knowledge faith is out of question; and with out faith there can be no love. Shown of love, devotion will not abide any more than lubricity produced by water.

Is spiritual illumination possible with out a preceptor?

Is it possible to acquire wisdom with out dispassion?

Is it possible to find peace with out innate content?

Saints and the ancient books declare with one voice that true happiness could only be attained through divine love. Divine in the lotus feet of lord is the very root of peace and bliss.

With out faith there can be no devotion and lord never melt accept through truth ness of life and devotion their in. with out the grace of life peace and bliss is not event a subject of dream in life.

Pondering thus O mind abandon all doubts and misdeeds and adore the all merciful lord to reach at true self.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.