Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Lord is greatest guardian of this universe in true pace as per the version of saints and ancient books. Lord is absolute all the way.

Lord is all pervading invincible, omnipresent with out beginning or an end and is ocean of compassion.

Lord assumed the form as per the wish of true devotees and pious soul and is well-wisher of all but especially to the one pious on the subject of acts in life.

Lord keeps special heart for good of earth, Brahman’s, cow and the gods is a truth to believe.

Lord delights his devotees and breaks the ranks of impious and is the master of all Vedic wisdom and truth of every existence in any form.

Name of lord destroys the three fold agonies of life is bare fact to believe in life.

Those take refuge in him lord becomes savior of them all the way not for here alone but here after too is the version of true saints.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.