Monday, February 9, 2009


Peace is the foremost subject of life which is the essential of inner core to achieve perfection in self. It is the peace of mind which directly relates to good health and sense of fulfillment.

Anger is the killing enemy of peace.

Absence of peace results in unrest which directly or indirectly has adverse effect on the body modules. Peace of inner cord motivates one for fair interaction with life.

Peace and harmony relates to each other.

External agencies influence the inner cord which destabilizes the peace of mind. Undue wishes or lust also drag the life from the orbit of peace.

The concept of sense organs and their behavior to achieve the truth matters a lot on the subject of life which tilts the pace either on peace or on unrest.

True saints play a vital role in guiding the life to the right pace where peace and harmony exists. Divine chapter and disinterested charity brings contentment in life which leads to ultimate peace of mind.

Yoga and meditation also helps in to attain peace in life.

Let celestial bodies in the firmament exist in harmony.
Let harmony permeates space, earth, water, herbs foliage and divine knowledge.
Let harmony be the part of personality in life to attain the peace.

With out peace one hardly makes it to realize the true meaning of being human.

Reciting the peace peace and peace helps in to reach at to an extent.

A lotus foot of true saints helps in to attain the peace and bliss. First it is comes the peace in life then follows the bliss. It is the state of bliss which makes one experience the supreme one close by.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.