Sunday, April 19, 2009

True Happiness

True Happiness can not be attained through the achievement of material world. Most people think that increasing worldly wealth one could find the solution to the problem faced in achieving happiness. But the things are not as such.

Material world induces undue race for self which never meet the fate at its ultimate glory and happiness remains far apart.

It is kingdom of divine consciousness which really helps on the subject.

When one attain the state of realization at its true cord to bifurcate the two mortal and immortal reaches in the orbit of true joy. It do needs that one must divert attention towards the image {one has created for ultimate soul mate} of supreme soul to make it all well.

Liberation from bondage is the true form of happiness one enjoys on the subject of life which leads to peace and bliss for here and here after.

Those seek kingdom of the god at its foremost make it truly and all the things added for ultimate happiness of life to reach at.

Peace and happiness could always be affected by the outer agencies hence it needs to make it strong at its inner core on the state of mind which could be made through yoga and meditation but faith on the god is the essence above all.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.