Monday, June 8, 2009

virtues life

Glory of lord reflects on the virtues life which indicates well for here and best hereafter. Body is not the true self on the subject of life; it is soul the true self manifest in the form of body among different species of life. Ever changing pace of body is the law of nature, not the feature of true self.

Body is just a carrier 0f soul on the planet but not the true self. One needs to use the carrier in true spirit and right pace to reach at the ultimate destination as fixed by the destiny.

Life gets end when true self left apart the body or passing away of the inner self from the trammels of the body. Body gets deteriorated because the inner self quits it. One loves the speech in life because of true self manifested through tongue. Eyes loved because of radiance of the true self. What one reflects and attracts is inner self not the body in true pace but it got manifest through the mode of body.

Birth and rebirth is the perfect theory of life, one may have come across various characters, relation and else in past on the cord of destiny but in between it could be the other world which may have makes one to attain ultimate liberation so called final beatitude or else too. There may not be an immediate birth after conclusion of life which may tilt either way in form of hell or bliss. Here it counts virtues life one live while alive.

Those adore the virtues path in life never let down the true self in the other world. Those live the life in true spirit on the cord of religious merits makes to reach at the ultimate destination. And mind it, its only human profile through which one can attain religious merits and earn numerous virtues for the other world. Human life, a precious gift of god to soul is not waist in undue sensuality, lust and greed but for a cause.

Better be late then never and realize the true self and motive of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.