Saturday, December 25, 2010


Association plays vital role in life, as association with saintly soul makes one to liberate from the bondage of cycle of birth and rebirth where as the association of ignorant makes one to put in trap of transmigration.

Saintly soul adore the truth at its best, never ride on the cord of ego, tries to pitch the sound at is optimize pace while interacting others, courtesy rules their life, true smile for others and silent sorrow for self if any, they grieve to see the other’s distress and rejoice at the sight of others joy.

Saintly soul mostly remains even minded even in indifferent span of life and look upon non as their enemy, free from vanity and undue passions, tender hearted and compassionate by nature, modest and lover of God.

Ignorant bear enemy towards all without rhyme or reason, devoted to sensuality, anger, greed and arrogance and behaves inimically even with those who are actively kind to them. Falsehood is their life from day to night, speaks honey words but keeps the heart of dangerous snake.

Ignorant malevolent by nature, they enjoy others wives and wealth and take delight in slandering others are vile and sinful men demons in human garb. In kali age they are in bulk and one need to be careful from them.

Better be late than never, associate saintly soul to make the life meaningful at its best to attain the sole purpose of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please